Vi Message Center Number

Vi Message Center Number 2025: SMSC Number For Vi

It is quite obvious that many times you might face the Vi message not sending issue. To tackle this problem, you should apply the Vi Message center number 2025 on your device.

By applying the Vi SMS center number on your phone, you will be able to easily start sending text messages.

Below, we will provide you with detailed list of Vi Message centre number. Also, we will tell you the message center number of Vi for Rajasthan, UP, Punjab, Maharashtra, Delhi, etc.

What Is Major Vi Message Center Number 2025?

The major Vi SMS center number is +919811009998. This number will work in Delhi and some the major states of India. With the used of this number, you will be able to fix the message not sending issue of your device.

Apart from this, there are also state-wise SMSC numbers provided by Vi. We have mentioned all of them below for you.

List Of All Major Vi Message Center Numbers

If you are a Vi SIM card user then to fix the message not sending issue, you might need the Vi SMSC number. Below is the list of SMS center number of Vi for some of the major states:

StatesVi Message Center Number
VI SMS Center Number Kolkata+919830099990
Vi Message Center Number North East+919774099990
Vi SMSC Number Karnataka+919886005444
Vi Message Centre Number Jammu & Kashmir+919796009905
Vi SMS Centre Number Rajasthan+919839099999
Vi Message center Number Haryana+919839099999
Himachal Pradesh SMSC Number Vi+919736009911
Vi SMS Center Number Assam+919706099990
Vi SMSC Number Delhi+919811009998
Vi Message Center Number Mumbai+919820205446
Vi Message Center Number Gujarat+919825001002
Vi Message Center Number Orissa+919776099990
Vi SMS Center Number Telangana+919885005444
Vi message center number Chennai+919843000040
Vi Message Center Number AP (Andhra Pradesh)+919885005444
Vi Message Center Number Bihar+919706099990
Vodafone Idea (Vi) Message Center Number Goa+919823000040
Vi SMS Center Number Jharkhand+919709099990
Vodafone Idea (Vi) Message Center Number Kerala+919846000040
Vi Message Center Number Punjab+919888009998
Vi Message Center Number Chhattisgarh+919713099990
Vi SMSC Number Uttar Pradesh+919719009998
Vi SMS Centre Number Madhya Pradesh+919713099990
Vodafone Idea (Vi) Message Center Number Hyderabad+919884005444
Vi Message Center Number Uttar Pradesh east+919839099999
Vi SMS Center Number West Bengal+919732099990

So, this is the list Vi SMSC number for all the major states of India. Just find the Vi message center number according to your state and apply to fix the message not sending issue.

Why You Need Vi SMSC Number?

The one of the biggest reasons to use the Vi SMS center number is to fix the message not sending issue.

While using the Vi SIM card, at some instances you might face the issue that you are not able to send SMS.

To deal with this issue, you might need to Vi SMSC number. By applying the message center number of Vi according to your state, you will be able to fix the message not sending problem.

Steps To Update Vi Message Center Number

It is quite easy to update the Vi SMS center number to fix data not sending issue. For this, you just need to go through the following steps:

  1. Open your dialing app.
  2. Dial the code *#*#4636#*#*.
  3. A flash message from Vi will appear.
  4. Tap “Phone Information” & go to Message Center option.
  5. There just add Vi SMS center number & save them.

These are the simple steps that you should go through to use the Vi Message center number.

If you are any other SIM card user then here are the other SMSC numbers that you can check:

Method To Fix Vi Message Not Sending Issue

Here are some of the top things that you can try doing to fix the message not sending issue on Vi:

Restart Your Phone

The very first thing that you can try using is to simply restart your phone. This will fix the major bugs and your Vi messaging services will resume again.

Updating Messaging App

The next thing you can try using is to update your messaging app. Getting to the new app version will also help you fix the message not sending issue.

Update Software Of Your Phone

If your device software is outdated then also you can face the message not sending issue. To tackle this, problem just update your messaging app.

Apply Vi Message Center Number

The next thing that you can try is to simply apply the Vi SMS center number on your phone. Just select the Vi SMSC number according to your location and apply it to fix this issue.

Contact Vi Customer Support Team

The last thing that you can try using it to just contact the support team of Vi through Vi customer care number. You can tell them the issue that you are facing and they will surely help you to fix this issue.

How To Find Vi SMSC Number?

To find your unique Vi Message center number, you just need to dial the code *#*#4636#*#*.