AT&T Message Center Number 2025
AT&T is a quite popular telecom operator in the US and many other countries. If you too are using its services and facing any problem in sending messages then you can try using the AT&T message center number. Using this ATT SMSC number will help fix the message not sending the issue of your SIM card. Also, we will tell you about the steps that you need to follow to apply the SMS message center number AT&T.
What Is The AT&T SMSC Number 2025?
The AT&T message center phone number for all devices is +13123149810. This number is available for both new and existing users of ATT. Using this number will help you to easily get rid of the AT&T message not sending issue.
Steps To Use The AT&T Message Center Number 2025
It is very easy to use the message center number for AT&T. For this, you just need to follow the steps that we have provided below:
- Open the messaging app of your device.
- There click on the settings option.
- Now, just select the preferred SIM card to open settings related to it.
- There, select the “Message Center Option”.
- Now, simply add the new ATT SMSC number that we have provided above and save it.
- At last, just restart your device to fix the AT&T message not sending issue.
These are the simple steps that a user needs to follow to apply the AT&T message center number that we have provided above.
What Is The Default ATT Message Center Number?
The default SMSC number of AT&T for all the users is unique. To check the message center number of your device, you just need to open the messaging app of your device. There, select the settings option and select the preferred SIM card. This will display the various options related to your SIM card. Now, just select the Message center option and this will display your default ATT SMSC number on your scree.
What Charges Do I Need To Pay To Use ATT SMSC Number?
Well, it is completely free to use the SMSC number of ATT. To use this number, you don’t need to pay a single penny to use this number.
Why Is My ATT Message Not Sending Issue Occurs in 2025?
Usually, users might face the AT&T message not sending issue on their device. This mainly happens due to the two reasons:
- The first and most major reason could be your SIM don’t have sufficient recharge. To resolve this problem, simply recharge with a suitable plan.
- The other reasons could be the your SMSC number for ATT might not be working. For this, just replace your number with the one that we have provided above.
What If AT&T Message Center Number Don’t Work?
If the ATT SMSC number that we have provided above don’t work for you then it is suggested to visit the nearest store of AT&T.
Can I Get My SMS Center Number For AT&T Offline?
Yes, you can get the message center number of offline. For this, you just need to visit any nearest AT&T store.
Is It Safe To Use The AT&T Message Center Number That We Have Provided Above?
Yes, it is completely safe to use the SMS center number of AT&T that we have provided above.
If you are one of the BSNL users then you can use the BSNL SMSC number that will help you to fix your message not sending issue.
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